When to book in for a Sports Massage!

  1. When you’ve overdone it training


  • Chances are your muscles are sore, you can’t use as much force and everything feels tight!

  • When muscles such as your lower back refuse to relax it can be difficult to engage opposing muscle groups such as your lower abs that are now likely on a constant stretch.

We can:

  • Use a pre-treatment assessment to look at what your current range and motor output is

  • Work out what muscle groups are limiting you

  • Use specific pin and stretch techniques alongside massage to restore what you were lacking

  • Post-treatment assessment so you can see for yourself!

    2. After a heavy lifting day


  • Experienced lifters are likely to lose more mobility than a novice lifter due to the increased demands from a heavier weight closer to a 1RM

    We can:

  • Restore range of movement making your next lifting session more comfortable!

  • Reduce risk of injury with more movement options available

  • Saves time holding stretches for endless minutes and theraband ‘activation’

3. As part of your maintenance


  • The more we work together the more we learn about what your limitations are and when they occur

  • Try booking in at least once every 4-6 weeks to keep on top of any reduction in range or increase in symptoms

    We can:

  • Keep an eye for any mobility limitations that have caused issues in the past ie. reduced straight leg raise when back pain occurs

  • Prevent compensations happening when motor output and range starts to deteriorate

  • Allow you to train as close to your best for longer!

Sound good? Lets get you booked in!


  • I like to educate my clients as well as treat so you’ll know what to look out for in future

  • You’ll feel better for it!

  • I like to know you’re thriving throughout your week!


Ways to help back pain