What is Sports Rehabilitation?

In short we’re a hybrid of Physiotherapy and Strength and Conditioning. During a three year degree we are taught:

  • Injury Assessment and Diagnosis

    Similar to a Physiotherapy Degree we are taught, supervised and assessed on our ability to thoroughly assess a patient including past medical history, cautions and contraindications to treatment and signs and symptoms related to common pathologies and conditions. This helps to guide and create a more specific rehabilitation plan for you in a safe manner.

  • Rehabilitation Treatment Planning and Management

    Further into the degree we are taught a variety of treatment methods including manual therapy, exercise specifics, electrotherapy, joint mobilisations and programming methods. Other qualifications and skills are available through out own external learning. This is taught through classroom lectures, practical sessions with other students and placement opportunities such as private clinics and sports clubs.

  • Clinical Research and Reasoning

    The benefit of a University Degree allows us to review current literature, detect any bias and clinically reason how and if it will be suitable for our client. We are also required to carry out our own research critiquing our own practice, reflecting on the process and outcome and encouraging Continuing Professional Development (CDP) to ensure we stay up to date with current research.