Ways to help back pain

Reason 1: Make your legs do more!

  • Delay knee extension: Push harder through the floor with your mid foot and don’t let your knee move back until the majority of the movement is complete.

  • Work more on training your posterior chain - think hamstrings, glutes and calves!

  • Come see me for a full assessment so we can pin point the main cause of the issue.

Reason 2: Give your hips more movement variation

  • Add more movement variations to your training. Even swapping the loaded side if using one weight, adding a slight hip shift or some rotation can help.

  • Mix up your routine! Whether that be weightlifting, sport or running. Try another option. Take up a team sport if you’re stuck in the gym, start lifting weights if you’ve always avoided barbells.

  • Have an assessment to work out your current limitations and add the exercises prescribed to your warm up or during your next TV binge!

Reason 3: Don’t be a potato…

  • Get 10,000 steps in per day!

  • Take regular breaks from the desk or sofa

  • Work on your compensations during the day. Sit facing the right normally? Switch it up to the left. Lean on one leg when standing? Lean to the opposite side…Easy!

Reason 4: Decompress and open up your lower back and rib cage!

  • There are specific exercises you can carry out to expand the rib cage and surrounding muscles. These involve deep breathing techniques in a relaxed position depending what part of the body you want more focus on. (Something as simple as a classic lat strech with deep inhales can work too!)

  • Learn to stack your hips and rib cage - no more duck or pancake butt!

  • Restore proper breathing mechanics which will help lengthen your diaphragm and pelvic floor. People in chronic pain often feel tense with shallow exhales causing everything else to tightnen up.

Reason 5: Have a declutter of your life and more me time while you recover

  • Take time to reflect on what’s going on and what you can do about each situation

  • Research sleep health - pillows between knees, nasal breathing for a start

  • Have open conversations with people you trust to help clear your mind

  • Take 20mins for yourself each day to help decrease stress

  • Train what you enjoy for a week or two! Even if that’s just going for a walk. No pressure or guilt for skipping a gym session or two.

Hopefully this has been helpful and given you some food for thought or maybe a lightbulb moment or two!

Majority of people will experience back pain at some point in their lives and it can come and go but be reassured that pain is does not always equal damage.

High stress levels and bracing can prolong symptoms so keep trying ways to feel comfortable and return to baseline as much as you can.

Thank you for reading! Any issues or questions feel free to get in touch.

*This is not medical advice so if you are struggling with back pain please see a professional for advice and guidance *


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Common causes of back pain