We now provide Dry Needling (Medical Acupuncture), Dry Cupping and IASTM! These can be used as part of your treatment.

  • Initial conslutation and review

    60min initial consultation: Required for New Patients and injuries (ie. Previously seen for back pain and would now like to be treated for shoulder pain)

    30min Review: Follow up appointments

    Injury History | Assessment | Treatment | Exercise Prescription | Goal Setting | Rehab plan

  • Online Programme Updates

    If you’re unable to attend the clinic, already have a training plan which needs updating or you are no longer seeing results for improving that shoulder mobility we can review and update that for you!

  • Prehab Screening

    Big event coming up? Or want to check what you could be working on?

    Book in for a prehab screening which is a full body MOT through functional screening and classic ‘physio’ based assessment to find any areas of strength, movement or control that you may need to improve.

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